Volunteers provide our students and staff with invaluable services that better the education experience. To learn more about volunteering, please review the Volunteer Handbook. If you are interested in volunteering, please complete and submit a Volunteer Application using the App-Garden Volunteer Tracker system. NOTE: Once you have completed the application process, you will be in our system and will only need to log your volunteer hours and update your information as needed.
It is important to understand and follow the school procedures and guidelines for volunteers. Each year, Volunteer Orientations at each school are held to provide information to the volunteers. It is best to attend one of these meetings each year, as new information may be shared and as a reminder of other information. If you have missed the orientation for the school of your choice, volunteers are welcome to attend another school’s orientation. The training lasts approximately 45 minutes. Please be sure to complete any specific training that may be required. If you have any questions, please be sure to ask the school's Volunteer Coordinator or administrator.
Volunteer Tracker Sign up to volunteer, update information, log hours,
Initial Set Up: After going to the Volunteer Tracker, click on 'New to Application? Click Here to Register' (bottom link). This is a one-time registration process for App-Garden. Once you have completed this registration, you will be sent an email when your user name has been successfully activated. You will then be able to sign in and complete your application. Click here for a video that explains how to complete the application.
New volunteers will only be able to create one volunteer application per email address. Once a volunteer submits an application and signs back into the system, they will see the "My Profile" tab. The My Profile tab will show the user their current information on the system. Once you are approved, you may then use the Edit Profile button to make changes and updates to your information. If you need assistance, please contact Lauren Seats at 336-751-5921 or seatsl@davie.k12.nc.us.
Volunteers that have been approved will see a tab for "Log My Time" when they log in. Volunteers can log their time using the button to Create New Log Entry. When a volunteer fills in this form, it will automatically fill in their name and email address. The list of Activities will show the list of their approved activities. The hours are calculated automatically. A volunteer can see their volunteer hours logged.
Sign in and Sign out
Each school has a terminal in the front office for all visitors, including volunteers, to sign in and out when visiting a school. The system generates a label for the visitor/volunteer, but it does NOT interface with the App-Garden Volunteer Tracker. Please continue to log your volunteer hours in the Volunteer Tracker.
Volunteer Handbook (pdf)
Please complete and submit to the principal of the school you wish to volunteer, in addition to completing the volunteer application in the App-Garden Volunteer Tracker.
Thank you for all that you do to support the students and staff of Davie County Schools!